What are the instructions for game of life electronic banking?

I lost my instructions for the game of life electronic banking. Could anyone help? I really want to play this game. or:I lost my instructions for the

I lost my instructions for the game of life electronic banking. Could anyone help? I really want to play this game.

or:I lost my instructions for the game of life electronic banking. Could anyone help? I really want to play this game.

or:Hey kid, I'm guessing the instructions are the same as the standard version, just with electronic cash instead of paper money? In which case try the online instructions here: www.hasbro.com/common/instruct/Life_the_game_of_2000.PDFHave fun :)

or:Actually, the game of life electronic banking has a whole different system, but with the same concept, like 'you play the board until you reach retirement, and win by having the most money in the end.' Also, in the title, instead of money, you have credit cards, in which like monopoly, there is a banker who withdraws and deposits money. I've only played the a few times a while ago, so I may be rusty. (Organize everything, like action cards in one pile, etc.) Each person starts off with 400k, and decides to go to college or straight to the career path (College takes a little longer, but gets you a slightly better job). If you chose college, you spin the wheel, go to college, and keep playing until you reach STOP. If you chose career, you'll automatically reach a STOP. During college (And a little later in the game), you will land on a yellow square with a dim circle. That... is an action space, and you pick up an action card and do what it says, whether it's to spin the wheel, or pay 20k. *Part 1*
