Will there ever be peace on earth?

Ever since I can remember there have been wars or some kind of fighting between people. But now it is worst will it ever end, or is it just going to

Ever since I can remember there have been wars or some kind of fighting between people. But now it is worst will it ever end, or is it just going to get to the point that we just kill our selves off?

or:Ever since I can remember there have been wars or some kind of fighting between people. But now it is worst will it ever end, or is it just going to get to the point that we just kill our selves off?

or:About twelve thousand years ago there was a city of two million people in the Indus Valley and they had no war: no preparation at all for defense. They spent their days tending gardens and painting pots. One day they all got up and left, and the world has had continuous war ever since.We have this prophecy we call Armageddon. The last dated prophecy to be fulfilled was the creation of Israel in 1948. The USA is prominently absent from the Armageddon story, so we are waiting to see the country collapse and become helpless. That appears to be right on schedule. The sexual perverts are taking over, just as Jesus said they would. Jesus said it's going to be worse than anything ever before. All things considered, the world is right on track for the most colossal train wreck imaginable. I have read the book: we win in the end.

or:At this point, it looks doubtful. Ever since people have been able to make weapons, there have been wars. They all seem to think that just because there are disagreements on social issues there has to be an all-out war. They can't seem to grasp that certain things can actually be talked about instead of going ahead and killing people. Of course, most wars are started and fought by predominantly the male population that rarely use their words to solve problems.

or:As long as we live in ignorance, there will continue to be conflicts, battles and wars. Why are there battles? Because we think we are different from each other, we have different religions, different cultures. Because we think we are the body and mind, we do not realize that we are the Divine Spirit, the Soul, the Atman. This is why the world has no peace. The moment we overcome our ignorance and we realize the truth that we are the Divine Soul, the whole world will experience Divine peace. We will respect each other as the Divine Soul. We will go beyond the body and skin, we will respect the power that lives within. If this happens, then the world will be free from all kinds of battles, wars and conflicts. There will be peace and tranquility.
