Want to do MBA through distance learning?

I have done BBA and being a working employee want to persue MBA through distance learning but especially I am looking for Objective type examination

I have done BBA and being a working employee want to persue MBA through distance
learning but especially I am looking for Objective type examination pattern?

or:I have done BBA and being a working employee want to persue MBA through distance learning but especially I am looking for Objective type examination pattern?

or:Hi, My sister has done BBA from Shobhit University through IMSR in distance mode. The exam was objective type and IMSR gave proper update for each and every steps if interested I can give number or else you can visit their website : www.imsrindia.com

or:Being a professional it will be a wise decision to opt MBA online. Online MBA is flexible and convenient too. Most of the online study exams are objective based. You will get many universities offering online MBA courses. So don't worry about it. All the best for your future.
