Help!!!!! Baseball crush?

This guy me and him always used to make eye contact now he just looks away from me when he sees me in the hallway. Today he as in baseball prac on the

This guy me and him always used to make eye contact now he just looks away from me when he sees me in the hallway. Today he as in baseball prac on the field and I was walking to track prac and he kept looking back before he pitched it looked like he was looking at me because we made eye contact then I looked away .hes giving w mixed signals like another day he will take a quick look without me trying to see or other times when we look at each other we stare into each other eyes for a couple of seconds but we never really talked before...hep what should I do I'm a shy girl.

or:This guy me and him always used to make eye contact now he just looks away from me when he sees me in the hallway. Today he as in baseball prac on the field and I was walking to track prac and he kept looking back before he pitched it looked like he was looking at me because we made eye contact then I looked away .hes giving w mixed signals like another day he will take a quick look without me trying to see or other times when we look at each other we stare into each other eyes for a couple of seconds but we never really talked before...hep what should I do I'm a shy girl.
