Is there a Way to Recover Deleted Folders from an External Hard Drive?

I had some file folders stored in my portable hard drive but got lost due to accidental deletion, Is there a Way to Recover the deleted folders? Pleas

I had some file folders stored in my portable hard drive but got lost due to accidental deletion, Is there a Way to Recover the deleted folders? Please give a suggestion.

or:I had some file folders stored in my portable hard drive but got lost due to accidental deletion, Is there a Way to Recover the deleted folders? Please give a suggestion.

or:hey,man . Recovering the deleted folders is like restoring the lost files. You need to use a program to scan the hard drive for all the possible files in the disk. I can't provide you much but you can read this article and learn more. I hope it helps.

or:If you have not format your drive is possible. Check the following cases:a) In the computer you accidentally made the delete, the folders may still exist in the recycle bin. If you find them there you can restore them.b) If you dont have access to that computer or you have permanty deleted them from recycle bin, there are programs to help you restore your data.c) if you have formated the disc, try nothing your self. If you need your data you have to pay for professional recovery.

or:Hello, if your external hard drive have recovery feature, you can try to restore from backup, if you don't have backup, you need to use recovery software such as Free Any Data Recovery. Before you get back deleted files, you had better not save new data to your hard drive.

or:Wondershare Data Recovery supports to deep scan external hard drive,it can help you recover deleted,lost or formatted file from hard drive.But you should make sure you did not save any new data for it, and it avoid the deleted files overwritten.Thanks

or:Here are detailed steps for you to rescue your contents there: 1). Do not overwrite this hard drive in case of real data loss problems.2). Scan it with data recovery software to see whether all of your wanted contents inside this drive could be restored. 3). Save and back up all restored data on a different drive in case of data loss. Never forget to make data backup again in the future.
