How to date while living with strict Christian parents?

Im a 20 year old female and I live at home with my parents. I grew up in a Christian family and dont regret that I have. However because of my parents

I'm a 20 year old female and I live at home with my parents. I grew up in a Christian family and don't regret that I have. However because of my parents strong beliefs I can't date a guy unless he believes in God as well. It's hard to find a Christian man in my small hometown cause there aren't a lot of them here. Most of the guys I've talked to in the past wanted who ti date me weren't Christian or didn't believe in God. I have talked to guys who did believe but they were no different from those who didn't believe. Even if I ended up with a Christian guy my parents still wouldn't let me date because they want me to focus on school. To be honest I hate school and all I wanna do is work. I do want to be a dog trainer but college doesn't offer any classes for that career. I don't know what to do, I have emotional needs that aren't being fulfilled and it hurts. I've never been in a relationship before so I have no experience. What should I do?

or:I'm a 20 year old female and I live at home with my parents. I grew up in a Christian family and don't regret that I have. However because of my parents strong beliefs I can't date a guy unless he believes in God as well. It's hard to find a Christian man in my small hometown cause there aren't a lot of them here. Most of the guys I've talked to in the past wanted who ti date me weren't Christian or didn't believe in God. I have talked to guys who did believe but they were no different from those who didn't believe. Even if I ended up with a Christian guy my parents still wouldn't let me date because they want me to focus on school. To be honest I hate school and all I wanna do is work. I do want to be a dog trainer but college doesn't offer any classes for that career. I don't know what to do, I have emotional needs that aren't being fulfilled and it hurts. I've never been in a relationship before so I have no experience. What should I do?

or:Get a job and a place of your own. In a few years you will notice that your parents are smarter than they used to be, and they will notice the same about you.

or:Dating for most people christian or non-christian can be very enjoyable, because you are communicating with someone who may or may not have the same ideas that you have.However, when that persons ideas is completely contrary to your standards and belief, that can cause a problem.In your case, you must ask yourself, \"Do your beliefs and standards, follow what the Bible says for Christians, and do you want to apply them to your life\"?It is important to examine the Bible for yourself to make sure of what God's requirements are for Christians, then you can make an honest decision based on that.The Bible says at (1 Thessalonians 5:21) \"Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.\"To examine more about the subject of dating and what the Bible says about it, please look at this website search dating.Since you seem to want to please God, and not just people, it will give you only the Bible's view, not someone who thinks they know what you should do.Hope this was helpful.

or:I would say try online dating. I know that sounds tacky and some might say sinful but there are some Christian dating sites that are good. If there are no good men in your area then online dating can help find people is different areas that are close. Love should know no borders. If you have to travel a few miles to see your man than it is God's will that you do that. My sister used online dating and found a guy who was an assistant preacher at a Baptist church. She lived in a small town in Genesse county Michigan and he was from the big city. An area near Detroit. But the distance didn't stop them and they have a wonderful relationship. They dated for about 5 years and then they got married in 2011. They have been married for almost 6 years now and they are a great couple. Continue to pray about and God will bless you when he see it appropriate for you to be in a relationship. It might be difficult but he would not want you to give up on love. I will pray for you. God bless!

or:My Dear remember you are young and at the age when your hormones is all over the place. But please know you are not the only one who is feeling like this, many young ones are facing the same feelings like you. I agree with your parents and think you should really try to have some sort of career going before you think of dating. Not every one like school, but there are great trades you could take that could help you find a reasonable job that you could be independent and don't rely on your parents. Dating is a wonderful thing, but remember dating is having intentions of getting marry. Are you ready for that big step yet? You are young my dear, try to enjoy life, go places, meet people and get to know yourself better before you take on the added responsibility of a relationship. As a Christian am pretty sure you know why God created Eve, he created her as a compliment for Adam and then Genesis 2:24 says, \"That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and stick to his wife,and they will become one flesh.\" You see dating should be with the intentions of getting marry . Are you ready to get marry ? Your parents loves you and wants the best for you, thats why they wants you to date a Christian a God fearing man. With divorces in a shamble today it's important to have God in your marriage. Making him the middle man in your marriage is a better chance you will have a successful marriage. In conclusion listen to your parents they wants what's best for you and have your best interest at heart. Dating is a heavy responsibility, hearts are involved and you should be ready for it. Just a suggestion, try and ask yourself thought provoking questions like :1) What is my main reason for dating ? Is it because I want to satisfy my emotions?2) Am I ready to date emotionally,physically,financially and spiritually ?3) Will dating help me grow closer to God or further from him ?4) Do I know my self enough to get to know someone else to ?Just an honest answer will help you make the right choice.

or:Hi Dear so happy for you and finding a nice Christian gentleman. Also happy to hear that you have decided to continue your education. You seem to be heading in the right direction. Hope all goes well with your plans. Please remember James 4:8, \"Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.\" As a Christian am pretty sure you know the closer you keep God in your life, their is a greater possibility that things will work out fine. Please,continue to keep him close in everything you are doing, for he always makes our load lighter and helps you to be successful in life.I really enjoy conversing with you and will like to discuss more bible topics with you . Please feel free to contact me anytime.
