Pimple or cold sore?

Hello, I have had to cold sores in the past on my lower right lip. They where very small and after about a 7-10 day they where gone( I only had 2 in m

Hello, I have had to cold sores in the past on my lower right lip. They where very small and after about a 7-10 day they where gone( I only had 2 in my life). Its been more than 5 years and I have a small red bump above my lip (not on the line) and it began with a little itching.( my skin get dry) when I notice the bump I put lysine cream on it and took a lysine pill. the next day it was still red, no pus or anything. I took a couple of Lysine pills and now I am on day 6, it is just about gone but it never got fluid fill or burst open, it was just there.

or:Hello, I have had to cold sores in the past on my lower right lip. They where very small and after about a 7-10 day they where gone( I only had 2 in my life). Its been more than 5 years and I have a small red bump above my lip (not on the line) and it began with a little itching.( my skin get dry) when I notice the bump I put lysine cream on it and took a lysine pill. the next day it was still red, no pus or anything. I took a couple of Lysine pills and now I am on day 6, it is just about gone but it never got fluid fill or burst open, it was just there.

or:So what's your question? pimples are normal and will go away after a few days or weeks of a daily and nightly facewash routine. You probably have sensitive and dry skin, so try applying lotion and wash your face daily and nightly. After awhile, they'll fade. There are also some that don't fade. Just keep washing your face and do not scratch or pick at it to try to get it off. People start bleeding and then it looks really weird.
