Phone not turning on?

I accidentally dropped my phone and its got a cracked screen. Now its not turning on.. How do i make it work without going to the phone shop?!? Please

I accidentally dropped my phone and its got a cracked screen. Now its not turning on.. How do i make it work without going to the phone shop?!? Please help!

or:I accidentally dropped my phone and its got a cracked screen. Now its not turning on.. How do i make it work without going to the phone shop?!? Please help!

or:It sort of depends on what kind of phone you have, but I can try to help. If you have an iPhone then it could be broken, or you may just want to try plugging it in to see if that will work. Also, if you dropped it hard enough it could be broken too. But if you have one of those fold-open kind of phones, then it could also be possibly broken. If the charger doesn't work, the best you could do is go to the place you got the phone, or if the makers of the phone have some kind of company website, look for help on there. Hopefully it starts working again, and hopefully I helped at least somewhat!
