I dont remeber where did I put stuff?

Hello evryone .( my english is low i hope ge the question) The question is I usually dont remeber where I put stuff what can cause It? Is it dangerous

Hello evryone .( my english is low i hope ge the question) The question is I usually dont remeber where I put stuff what can cause It? Is it dangerous? I am 18 years old and have social anxiety . Last few years were a bit hard for me and I regret things often. Often I dont get enough sleep. I also dont live in this moment . what I mean with this is that I olways think about what I have done and then regret evrything. Can this cause memory loss such as dont remebering where did i put stuff ?

or:Hello evryone .( my english is low i hope ge the question) The question is I usually dont remeber where I put stuff what can cause It? Is it dangerous? I am 18 years old and have social anxiety . Last few years were a bit hard for me and I regret things often. Often I dont get enough sleep. I also dont live in this moment . what I mean with this is that I olways think about what I have done and then regret evrything. Can this cause memory loss such as dont remebering where did i put stuff ?

or:I tend to dwell on the past too, but remember: the past is in the past, and you're the only one who can choose to change your future.For me I have to let the past go, or else I won't enjoy the blessings that are given to me in the present. Later on it could lead to a future full of regret for thinking so much on the past and not letting what you've done go. Apologize to people you've wronged, and be content with who you are as a person. I've had to say sorry a lot for mistakes and things, but in the end it's worth it.If you really need help with sleeping, then go to a doctor, or try essential oils like lavender or other ones to help you sleep. It could definitely effect your brain, not getting enough sleep and regretting things. I don't know if it could cause memory loss though.I hope this helps you! :)
