Seeking God with music?

Hey. My life just messed up, my plans just failed, and all i know, that God gave me to sing, play music, improvise. I am seeking truth about life, God

Hey. My life just messed up, my plans just failed, and all i know, that God gave me to sing, play music, improvise. I am seeking truth about life, Gods love in my music , so, maybe anyone has in heart something like this, it would be nice to contact.
I am planing to just go away from my country just to play music somewhere, not for fame, but for that God gave me this gift, that i want to let go in my life.

If you have the same vision, or you are in some kinda forest in life, just let me know.

or:Hey. My life just messed up, my plans just failed, and all i know, that God gave me to sing, play music, improvise. I am seeking truth about life, Gods love in my music , so, maybe anyone has in heart something like this, it would be nice to contact.I am planing to just go away from my country just to play music somewhere, not for fame, but for that God gave me this gift, that i want to let go in my life.If you have the same vision, or you are in some kinda forest in life, just let me know.
