Punk rock youtubers?

i wanna be a youtuber. a punk rock youtube to be exact. i already got the punk rock part down pat but i dont know how to be a youtuber. i dont have a

i wanna be a youtuber. a punk rock youtube to be exact. i already got the punk rock part down pat but i dont know how to be a youtuber. i dont have a camera, i cant afford it. i dont have a job yet but i'm trying to get one. i've got a computer but it's pretty crap. what editing stuff would i down load. i don't know... please help..

or:i wanna be a youtuber. a punk rock youtube to be exact. i already got the punk rock part down pat but i dont know how to be a youtuber. i dont have a camera, i cant afford it. i dont have a job yet but i'm trying to get one. i've got a computer but it's pretty crap. what editing stuff would i down load. i don't know... please help..

or:I'm a youtuber and I have some tips to be a good one.TIP: ignore everybody who says nasty things about you they are trying to wind you up1. Install bandicam it's free but be careful of viruses 2. Record some minecraft survival stuff (don't to very long videos insted do them in parts)3. Edit the videos to make them more attract everybodys eyes4. Let me know what you youtube name is and I can subscribe to you5. Carry on making minecraft good videos and your slowly get more fansIf you need more info like uploading vids let me know!Hope this helped
