Should I tell this guy how I feel about him??!?!!?

So I was hanging out with my friend andy and he really likes my bff so I helped him get with her but when weve been spending time with each other I t

So I was hanging out with my friend andy and he really likes my bff so I helped him get with her but when we've been spending time with each other I think I might like him but.know hes with her help!!!!

or:So I was hanging out with my friend andy and he really likes my bff so I helped him get with her but when we've been spending time with each other I think I might like him but.know hes with her help!!!!

or:tell ur bff that you like him . if she's a true friend she'll compromise

or:well you really have to ask your self bide your time kinda got slide right in there and took advantage of the situation i would weigh this out
