My brother and sister-in-law are getting a divorce. Is it okay to remain friends with her?

She and I have become good friends over the course of their marriage. She babysat my kids and we hung out together often. Our kids play together. I

She and I have become good friends over the course of their marriage. She babysat my kids and we hung out together often. Our kids play together. Is it okay to remain good friend with her?

or:She and I have become good friends over the course of their marriage. She babysat my kids and we hung out together often. Our kids play together. Is it okay to remain good friend with her?

or:Yes it is ok to be friend with her. After all your family back then. Your kids are still cousin's you cannot change that. All you have to do is be responsible enough to your children.

or:of course you can stay friends. one one has a right to tell you who your friends are or not.

or:Of course u can,
