How do the major religions describe the passage of time in the afterlife? Will you be aware that you

... are dead for millions and billions of years and beyond? or:... are dead for millions and billions of years and beyond?or:I'm not sure about al

... are dead for millions and billions of years and beyond?

or:... are dead for millions and billions of years and beyond?

or:I'm not sure about all of them, but I know Christianity says that you will be aware of what's going on in the afterlife. Also, Buddhism says that you'll either reincarnate, or you will reach Nirvana, which I believe means ultimate reality, also it's a cool band from the 90's. (:Not sure about some others. I think Judaism says you'll be waiting for judgement because they're still waiting for the Son of God. But I'm not sure on that one, don't quote me on that. :P

or:PROBABLY no other issue has been as perplexing and persistent as the question of what happens after death. For thousands of years, brilliant minds in every civilization have pondered this question. But human philosophy and scientific research have merely yielded a jumble of theories and myths.What about the teachings found in the Bible? Some may argue that on the subjects of death and the afterlife, the Bible is just as confusing. To be fair, however, we must face the fact that the confusion is caused by the many religions that muddy the clear waters of Bible teachings with fallacies and legends. When you ignore the traditions and myths and stick to what the Bible actually says, you discover a teaching that makes sense and .offers hope

or:I have never heard of major or minor religions describing the \"....passage of time in the afterlife?\" What though, most religions believe is that there is some sort of shadowy, smoky, invisible entity that floats around after the death of an individual, and that this socalled \"afterlife\" entity goes about haunting houses, possessing objects and people, or harming/helping the living. However, the Bible says the dead are not aware of anything (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 and verse 10)......Based on the Bible, mankind has existed over 6,000 years.As far as the latter part of your question: \"Will you be aware that you are dead for millions and billions of years and beyond? No you won't be aware of the passage of time or the activities of the living, or you won't be aware of what's going on upon the earth. As was stated, mankind has only existed over 6,000 years, not millions and billions of years. Also, the word \"AFTERLIFE\" and the idea of an afterlife is NOT mentioned or supported in the Bible. The Bible in the book of Genesis doesn't teach or say that after one's death, there is an afterlife.....Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, mankind inherited sin and death, and upon death mankind and future generations will return back to the elements of the earth from which he was created (Genesis 2:15-17, Genesis 3:1-3, and verse 19, Romans 5:12). Only then, until God's Kingdom/Government in the hands of His appointed Son/King/Ruler Jesus Christ takes full control of earth's affairs and eliminates all kinds of suffering, will mankind be free of death (Matthew 6:9,10; Revelation 21:3-5).

or:We human beings are not willing to pick one bucket of water from the ocean, but we want to empty the entire ocean in our bathtub. Why are we talking of millions and billions of years? Let us realize that our life is a limited journey, death is certain, the body will die. Let us read about all the religions but realize the Truth. What is the Truth about the passage of time, about now and afterlife? Now we understand time is passing because of our senses, the body. When there is no body, then who will understand the passage of time? When there are no sense perceptions, when we return to dust, then who is the one who will be aware about us being dead for millions and billions of years? Ask yourself the question - are you aware today about your past life? Nobody is. Then how can we be aware of millions and billions of years? Let us use our intelligence to question each of these fairy tales until we ultimately realize the Truth.
