I love IMVU but got a virus playing, My laptop is all fixed up now, Is it ok to dowload it again?

I Love IMVU and I have a bunch of friends on there that I miss dearly. Havent talked to anyone of them in over a year. I have Norton now and Constant

I Love IMVU and I have a bunch of friends on there that I miss dearly. Havent talked to anyone of them in over a year. I have Norton now and Constant guard and Im all good to go. Do you think I could install IMVU again or should I just...not?

or:I Love IMVU and I have a bunch of friends on there that I miss dearly. Havent talked to anyone of them in over a year. I have Norton now and Constant guard and Im all good to go. Do you think I could install IMVU again or should I just...not?

or:you should get your self a anti virus find a free addition and down load a program so you can protect your computer and not have to worry about it try Microsoft essentials its free

or:i've been using Imvu for like 6 years. and haven't got a single virus thing from it. but its better to have ur antivirus and firewall up and updated. well just download the software itself. don't download other related things to imvu.
