How to create sentences based on Imagination , openion or possibilities? Situation 1: I want to?

... climb mount Everest and i imagine something like this - *what it would like to feel climbing up the mount Everest ! (Is it correct sentence gramm

... climb mount Everest and i imagine something like this -
*what it would like to feel climbing up the mount Everest ! (Is it correct sentence grammatically? What are other options creating sentences that i can use in this situation? )

Situation 2: I want be rich. And i imagine something like this_
*what it would be like to feel to become a rich person ! (Is it correct sentence grammatically? What are other options creating sentences that i can use in this situation? )

Situation 3: I see a begger in the street and i feel pity and kind to him. In this situation i say something like this-

* He might be be grief stricken. Or what a grief he might be be going through ! Or He might be hungry for several days ! (Are these sentences correct grammatically? What are other options creating sentences that i can use in this situation? )

can i use exclaimation mark in my those sentences?

or:... climb mount Everest and i imagine something like this - *what it would like to feel climbing up the mount Everest ! (Is it correct sentence grammatically? What are other options creating sentences that i can use in this situation? )Situation 2: I want be rich. And i imagine something like this_ *what it would be like to feel to become a rich person ! (Is it correct sentence grammatically? What are other options creating sentences that i can use in this situation? )Situation 3: I see a begger in the street and i feel pity and kind to him. In this situation i say something like this-* He might be be grief stricken. Or what a grief he might be be going through ! Or He might be hungry for several days ! (Are these sentences correct grammatically? What are other options creating sentences that i can use in this situation? )can i use exclaimation mark in my those sentences?
