Why history speaks only or comparatively about war????

or:Why history speaks only or comparatively about war????or:History does not speak. Historians speak. Being humans, they tend to remember the most dr

or:Why history speaks only or comparatively about war????

or:History does not speak. Historians speak. Being humans, they tend to remember the most dramatic parts of what they study. People who talk about the less dramatic parts are ignored. For example, a professional economist, Howard Katz, spent years analyzing documents from the twentieth century to advise his clients. He pointed out that during the great depression, US society showed all the signs of prosperity, and during WW2 they showed all the signs of recession. Nobody cares. His writings sit in an archive, but schools still teach kids that Hoover caused the depression, everybody was broke, and WW2 pulled the country out of it. www.shtfplan.com/category/howard-katzwww.google.com/search?q=Howard+S.+Katz
