How do I dress like a Native American without being offensive?

In my AP US history class we were given a project and its extra credit to dress up as the historical figure we were assigned. I was given chief Joseph

In my AP US history class we were given a project and it's extra credit to dress up as the historical figure we were assigned. I was given chief Joseph of the Nez Perce. Is there anything I absolutely shouldn't wear? Is improvising okay? Help!

or:In my AP US history class we were given a project and it's extra credit to dress up as the historical figure we were assigned. I was given chief Joseph of the Nez Perce. Is there anything I absolutely shouldn't wear? Is improvising okay? Help!

or:Ask your teacher. That is his/her job to teach you that.

or: click on either of the above links remove the space after the //

or:You don't. That's cultural appropriation.
