What should my Christmas elf name be?

Im an elf for the Journey to the North Pole cruises at a resort. I have to come up with my own elf name and personality. Names already used are Sparkl

I'm an elf for the Journey to the North Pole cruises at a resort. I have to come up with my own elf name and personality. Names already used are Sparkle, Eggnog, and Cinnabon. I've already came up with my personality. I'm a very hyper elf that got is always having a sugar rush but can never do anything right because I'm so clumsy. Does anybody have a name suggested for such a hyper clumsy elf?

or:I'm an elf for the Journey to the North Pole cruises at a resort. I have to come up with my own elf name and personality. Names already used are Sparkle, Eggnog, and Cinnabon. I've already came up with my personality. I'm a very hyper elf that got is always having a sugar rush but can never do anything right because I'm so clumsy. Does anybody have a name suggested for such a hyper clumsy elf?

or:i know this doesnt really fit your personality but you could be elfis instead of elvis as in, elvis presley. good luck! have fun on your cruise
