Is it possible to ask someone to refriend you on fb if they said no they feel very negative about?

... the unfriending but you value the friendship and you made a mistake.? or:... the unfriending but you value the friendship and you made a mistake

... the unfriending but you value the friendship and you made a mistake.?

or:... the unfriending but you value the friendship and you made a mistake.?

or:If she blocked you, there is nothing you can do. You could make a fake account and then message-stalk them, but that would be a little creepy...

or:Do you know them besides just online? Talking in person would help,but would you really want to be \"friends\" with a person you have to walk on eggs shells around? Is friendship not about understanding and endearment? If it is just online interactions it is no real loss. I've lost many \"internet friends\" for different reasons. If you really defriended them by accident, explain that and make it clear as day how you feel. I had a \"friend\" just stop talking to me for no real reason despite my attempts to talk and hang out. Defriended me because they were so mad and never bother to reply. It is not a loss to me, if anything, it is their loss. Remember that aspect.
