Please tell me what is it growing on my skin? How to remove it and avoid new?

ive tried to attach small picture of the growing skin piece, but no option for that. its a small piece of skin on the shoulder, near to neck. same col

i've tried to attach small picture of the growing skin piece, but no option for that. it's a small piece of skin on the shoulder, near to neck. same colour of the rest of the skin. very small, about 1,5ml. how can i remove it and why did it start growing?

or:i've tried to attach small picture of the growing skin piece, but no option for that. it's a small piece of skin on the shoulder, near to neck. same colour of the rest of the skin. very small, about 1,5ml. how can i remove it and why did it start growing?

or:For the sake of your health, suggest you go to a hospital looking for expert advice

or:Go to hospital, making sure what is that? Then, treating and after- take care.
