How do I tell a friend his memes are dead without ruining the friendship?

Me and a few friends are in a group chat where we send memes and my best friend since birth is in it. I love him and all but his memes are dreadful an

Me and a few friends are in a group chat where we send memes and my best friend since birth is in it. I love him and all but his memes are dreadful and it's making me doubt him as a person slightly, how do I get him to either stop or improve without hurting him?

or:Me and a few friends are in a group chat where we send memes and my best friend since birth is in it. I love him and all but his memes are dreadful and it's making me doubt him as a person slightly, how do I get him to either stop or improve without hurting him?

or:Well depending on his sensitivity, you could play it off as a joke. Having a different sense of humor isn't a bad thing ( depending on your funny bone-or nasty mind) but if you keep seeing something that comes off uncomfortable to you then as a friend (especially if you guys have been friends for that long) he would understand. Again you could play it off as a joke but tread lightly on the jokes if he is sensitive. Hope this helped!

or:Well, my friends still use dead memes. If you want to, you could possibly introduce him to new memes and he\u2019ll forget the older, dead ones.
