Compare the concept (the idea behind) and conduct (the actual implementation) of the Christian?

... crusade with that of the Islamic jihad.2.Compare how each religion rationalized the use of violence.3. As the first major cultural interaction

... crusade with that of the Islamic jihad.

2.Compare how each religion rationalized the use of violence.

3. As the first major cultural interaction between the Christian West and
the Islamic East, what influence did the Crusades have?

or:... crusade with that of the Islamic jihad.2.Compare how each religion rationalized the use of violence.3. As the first major cultural interaction between the Christian West and the Islamic East, what influence did the Crusades have?

or:sounds like you are truly confused as who the REAL Christians are,and confusing Christians with the Church at Rome whom God rebukes and destroys as the Harlot Church that deceived the nations in Revelations during the 7 yr Tribulation period. There is only one Early Church in existence today in Ethiopa and definitely NOT the Catholic Church who falsely claims to be it.The Catholic Church is noted for gross evil throughout history and please don't accuse real Christians as they were only victims of the evil church for finding out the real Bible truth that the Church of Rome tried to stop them from spreading the real Bible truths of God's salvation and righteousness.The Real church though fewer in numbers(not now) has survived since the days of Jesus and His Apostles throughout the ages. Read Revelations carefully.The I> D> key of whom the Lord speaks of is the church that sits on the city of seven mountains(Rome,Italy).

or:God has created a wonderful system in which we are to know him and carefully follow His commands. Why? He is a jealous God. Why shouldn't He be. He created every human. The Bible said that He knit us in our Mother's womb. There is a cosmic battle of the ages going on above us. We are either children of the light or children of darkness. How do we know of which side we the fruit of our lives. Do we sew love, compassion, mercy, encouragement, joy, peace, faith? Or are we backbiters, resentful, angry, proud, quick to point out faults in others?God has told us how we are to know Him and follow Him. We must know His word (the Bible). The Bible was created and written so that everyone could know God and follow His commands (farmers, shop keepers, home makers, businessmen, scientists...everyone). His word is not the only way though, as some may teach. He gives His Holy Spirit. The evidence of having His Holy Spirit is speaking in a language that you have never learned (this is the only way to know that a person has the Holy Spirit). This is God's Spirit living in a person, but it does not come cheap. One must really desire God to come in.Some keys to living the Christian life, 1) Worshiping the Creator, 2) Reading His word 3) Receiving the Holy Spirit, 4) Dieing to yourself and living for God, 5) Praying for others of like precious faith, 6) Being aware of God all throughout your day, and 7) Truly loving people.In Old Testament Times, everyday life was far more confrontational than what we know here in America. In America today, on the whole, we are passive, not concerned with anyone but ourselves, not passionate about much of anything, lazy, and proud (this is not even close to the life of a Christian). Christians should be passionate about God, loving in an extreme way, standing on what the Word of God says, hard workers, and merciful toward others faults. Biblical characters were physical warriors, fighting for what God would want. Today Christians should be spiritual warriors, fighting for what is right and not just for what they think is right, but for what God thinks is right. Spiritual warriors do not use guns, bows, knives...they use prayer, God's word, and praise as their weapons.We are not called to use violence today as Christians. Anyone using violence against gays and abortion doctors are not true Christians. I say all this and it may not seem consistent with the warrior aspect. This is not the case. Life with Christ is a vigorous and strength. Life with Christ is a firm handshake. God gives us vigorous life when we seek Him with all our heart. God is to take first position in our lives.As I look at your question again, the main difference between the concept of being a Christian and actually implementing it is our actions. A person can quote the whole Bible word for word, but if there actions don't line up with their words they are useless to God. Why do so many people say that Christians are hypocrites? Many are. I am not faulting them for it completely. They are the product of a system that does not work. The religious system denies the power of God working today. They say that they are holding on until heaven. God is still as powerful as He ever was. He is still healing the sick, delivering the demonized, saving people from themselves, demolishing strongholds, and gathering people to Himself. Christians are to be people of action. Christians are to be people who live by a standard that is not themselves. They are caretakers of all peoples in this world...the adults of the earth. Yes, they are to be heros, saving people from atrocities. Why? Because they are not living for themselves, they are living for justice and righteousness.I encourage you to start a relationship with Christ today. There is no better way to live. Talk to God. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him where you should gather with others for worshiping Him. Tell Him that you are sorry for the sins that you have committed your entire life so far. Ask Him to reveal how great a sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for you. He paid the ultimate price (death on the cross) so that you might live and have abundant life. Ask Him to reveal the calling that you have on your life (what He wants you to do for Him). Check out World Revival Church ( There are testimonies of God doing miraculous things in normal peoples lives. It is powerful.Best wishes on starting a vigorous life in Christ.
