How to make money when your only 13 year old?

I just need some money but I am only 13 years old. or:I just need some money but I am only 13 years old.or:like know hoe u feel I'm 13 and can't find

I just need some money but I am only 13 years old.

or:I just need some money but I am only 13 years old.

or:like know hoe u feel I'm 13 and can't find a job till summer it is picking weeds sound fun not really but you could babysit or dog walk or if u r a straight a student maybe a fast food restaurant lols but it will be hard to find one at the age 13

or:Well when i am at that age I was earning money through my classmates I do their essays or important school works and they pay me for it i am thankful that i really have the knowledge to do so
