Can anyone tell me if they have used a free rootkit virus remover and was it successful?

or:Can anyone tell me if they have used a free rootkit virus remover and was it successful?or:I don't know about free rootkit virus remover, if it is

or:Can anyone tell me if they have used a free rootkit virus remover and was it successful?

or:I don't know about free rootkit virus remover, if it is available for free I think it will unsuccessful.

or:A rootkit is a type of software that gains access to the admin or root level of the system through malicious programs. It is designed to hide the fact that the system has been compromised by replacing useful executables. Rootkits allows viruses and worms to enter the system and hide in a plain sight gaining access to the files and disguising them so that they don\u2019t appear harmful to the antivirus. They don\u2019t harm the computer system as such and are used to hide malware, viruses and worms. If you wish to know more about rootkits and other types of viruses, kindly click on
