What is this book called?

The book is a fiction novel that is about either rabbits or an off breed of rabbits. The main character is about a rabbit that lives by himself and I

The book is a fiction novel that is about either rabbits or an off breed of rabbits. The main character is about a rabbit that lives by himself and I think is asked for help or something and he's associated with a society of rabbits underground because of the one that asked him

or:The book is a fiction novel that is about either rabbits or an off breed of rabbits. The main character is about a rabbit that lives by himself and I think is asked for help or something and he's associated with a society of rabbits underground because of the one that asked him

or:Amazon.com has about 36,900 titles about \"rabbit\". There is nothing but to look at them. www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=rabbit
