How to keep the fact you are taking medications for mental health a secret?

How to date med student if you take medications ( mental health issues) and dont want that she knows that at begining. The problem is that I could run

How to date med student if you take medications ( mental health issues) and don't want that she knows that at begining. The problem is that I could run into her in the hospital while she is on practice when I go on my medical examination.My mental state is now good.I'm pretty sure she likes me.
I don't have money for private psychiatrist at this moment.

or:How to date med student if you take medications ( mental health issues) and don't want that she knows that at begining. The problem is that I could run into her in the hospital while she is on practice when I go on my medical examination.My mental state is now good.I'm pretty sure she likes me.I don't have money for private psychiatrist at this moment.
