Does God use perfect grammar?

It seems like he would, but it was man who invented all the grammatical rules. This question is just something fun to think about, and I dont want to

It seems like he would, but it was man who invented all the grammatical rules. This question is just something fun to think about, and I don't want to start some big debate/argument about whether or not there is a God. Thank you.

or:It seems like he would, but it was man who invented all the grammatical rules. This question is just something fun to think about, and I don't want to start some big debate/argument about whether or not there is a God. Thank you.

or:Psalm 12:6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace. [Words] of earth, purified seven times.The added word is justified by 'of earth' being plural to agree with words, instead of singular to agree with furnace. That is a figure of speech called ellipsis, where a word is omitted. The passage says God talks to us in our own languages and using our own figures of speech. It also demonstrates that God is so good at grammar that He can talk rings around humans. Humans can't even follow their own rules. Bible students agree that Ephesians chapter 3 contains several parentheses, but so far nobody knows enough grammar to parse them.
