Im going to a new school full of bullies Im scare plus ive never been bullied and I myself never?

... bully ummmmm well im afraid ill get bullied for not wearing the right clothes or having the right hairstyle or my crooked teeth which my dentist

... bully ummmmm well im afraid ill get bullied for not wearing the right clothes or having the right hairstyle or my crooked teeth which my dentist says i dont need braces so what should i do

or:... bully ummmmm well im afraid ill get bullied for not wearing the right clothes or having the right hairstyle or my crooked teeth which my dentist says i dont need braces so what should i do

or:every school has bullies. i got bullied everyday in grade school. it does suck, but you shouldn't be afraid about something that might not happen. when i got to high school i finally started making friends. i still had to deal with some of the ass holes and did some bullying myself so i'm not completely innocent. learning how to defend yourself is key. you should have your parents teach you that part of it because ignoring them or just going with the flow isn't going to stop i said. don't worry about something that might not happen.

or:they will hate you if your pretty they will hate you if you not, they will have you for what you got and they will hate you for what you dont, if you are getting bullied make sure you do tell your parents they can make a hell of a difference also if you are scared to tell them stand up for yourself! thats what I do and I get along quite nicely I have a few people that i really hate with a passion but give them a smile and kill them with kindness

or:Well be brave tell an adult. Next thing to do is speak be confident, calmly tell your lllegal guardian or parent about what happening at school, Tell calmly the bully to stop say this \" i'm not a noob but u are annoying and stuipd at the school you've no friends u can change be nice you are treated with respect if u treat other the way you like to be treated u don't scare me\" Hopes this help

or:Pick back with superior wit. If it comes to a fight, go all out and don't stop till they give up. Least that always worked for me.//Signed - the former little guy

or:How do you know that your new school is full of bullies? if it is full of bullies you should go to a different school. i defeated a 7th grade bully when i was a 6th grade. i used strategy usually and violence when its necessary to solve my bully problems, i suggest you use strategy if asking if asking for adults help fails as it did for me before.

or:FEAR is what bullies thrive on. LET'S LEARN WHAT MAKES A BULLYThe Bible tells of bullies who lived before the Noachian Flood. They were called the Nephilim\u2014a word that means \u201cthose who cause others to fall down.\u201d During their reign of terror, \u201cthe earth became filled with violence.\u201d\u2014Genesis 6:4, 11.Aggressive behavior is often related to one\u2019s home environment. \u201cMy father was aggressive,\u201d says a youth named Scott, \u201cso I was aggressive.\u201d Aaron also had a difficult home life. He recalls: \u201cI realized people knew about my family situation\u2014that it was different\u2014and I didn\u2019t like people feeling sorry for me.\u201d So when Aaron engaged in sports, he had to win. But winning wasn\u2019t enough. He had to humiliate his opponents\u2014rubbing their noses in their defeat.You don\u2019t have to hit or push people around to be a bully. Anyone who treats other people\u2014especially those who are weak or vulnerable\u2014in a cruel or abusive way is a bully. (Compare Ecclesiastes 4:1.) Bullies try to threaten, intimidate, and control. But most use their mouths, not their fists. In fact, emotional bullying is the most frequent form of this abuse. It can include insults, sarcasm, ridicule, and name-calling.Sometimes, though, bullying can be subtle. Provoked by jealousy, they bullied in a callous and cruel way.One tool that works is a video watched by millions of youths who also role play as a family to face potential bullies. It is a video on jw,org \"How To Beat A Bully Without Using Your Fist.\" Now you understand some of the tactics bullies use you can be prepared so you can stop it before it starts. Watch the video and try the suggestions. There is a book on this website \"Young People Ask answers that works\". Relax don\"t look at the negative focus on your main reason for going to school. Though bullying can be an irritating issue don't fear anyone no matter their threats remember they are the ones with with the problems.For more information on this subjects and others, please go to \"Online Library.\" Also for free downloads, publications, videos or read online.
