My chiuhuhua just got ahold of a jalapano .she ate it before I cud get it from her.will she b ok?

or:My chiuhuhua just got ahold of a jalapano .she ate it before I cud get it from her.will she b ok?or:Suppose much depends on her weight & size of p

or:My chiuhuhua just got ahold of a jalapano .she ate it before I cud get it from her.will she b ok?

or:Suppose much depends on her weight & size of pepper.Get her to drink water(milk may be better) and the pet probably will yip from burning when passing stools.milk counters many poisons and should help the acidic effect a vet as they may have something better than milk.if no bleeding occurs she prob will be ok.good luck with her.much loving will help her heal.
