I like a girl I barely know should I give her a poem I wrote about her?

we have two classes togther math and english in math we dont sit togther but in english we do and i wrote a poem for her should i give it to her or:we

we have two classes togther math and english in math we dont sit togther but in english we do and i wrote a poem for her should i give it to her

or:we have two classes togther math and english in math we dont sit togther but in english we do and i wrote a poem for her should i give it to her

or:I think poem could be a bit much, especially if you barely know her, you could scare her away.You could add her on facebook or whatever you are using, to keep in touch with her during the summer. If she is new to your school, why not ask her to hang out, but do it casually, like tell her about this cool place to eat, close to your school, and offer to show her, or it doesn't have to be a food place, or something else. If she says no, keep chatting with her online, and try to see if she could be into you, and then ask her again a few days later. If she says no again, then she is definetly not into you, and you should move on. If she says yes to wherever you offered to take her, try to be relaxed, and be just a little bit flirty to show her that you like her, if you sense that she is uncomfortable with that, she again, is probably not into you, but if she responds positively then build up on that.(and then give her that poem of yours)
