Google - what can a parent or parents do to a 13yr old unruley child as discipline legally without?

... loseing them to child protective services my daughter screames and yells at us and wont listen to anything she is told she thinks she is the boss

... loseing them to child protective services my daughter screames and yells at us and wont listen to anything she is told she thinks she is the boss like she had made us not us makeing her

or:... loseing them to child protective services my daughter screames and yells at us and wont listen to anything she is told she thinks she is the boss like she had made us not us makeing her

or:well they say if there is to much stress in the house hold that you can have heart attack and she does this because she knows that you wont turn her over to child protection kids know you can't touch them anymore or you'll go to jail so your in between a rock and a hard place and she knows you wouldn't do it the other kids see what she is doing so that behavior rubs off on them and they think she gets away with it we can to i would voluntary put her in the states care see how she likes that has she been hitting anybody/
