Symptoms of a serious mental disorder?

What should I do if I know someone who appears to have all of the symptoms of a serious mental disorder? or:What should I do if I know someone who app

What should I do if I know someone who appears to have all of the symptoms of a serious mental disorder?

or:What should I do if I know someone who appears to have all of the symptoms of a serious mental disorder?

or:maybe should help this person get some serious mental therapy its important enough to get your friend involved in some therapy because they can diagnose and help get therapy started this will even get them evaluated and on some medications that will help them get better let the parents know what is going on so they can act now what kinda signs are you seeing

or:I would suggest pushing them towards professional help. As much as looking at the internet at the symptoms of a certain disorder may make sense, you are not a trained professional and therefore cannot diagnose.

or:first, ask them about it. and be slow about it. you can't bombard them with questions. what kind of disorder are we talking? dangerous to others or self? also, don't tell anyone until you have more information. even if you trust them, they may think it's best to tell a doctor or authority, and that could cause a huge mess if it's actually not a disorder or anything major. if it's a danger to others, you have to stay on their good side and play it cool. ask subtle questions if you need to, but spread them out through a whole conversation. keep their trust. if it's a danger to themselves, you have to let them know that you're there for them. make them feel loved and safe. ask them to talk about it, talk things out. try to convince them that professional help is in their best interest because it's safe and reliable. if you think they're going to harm themselves immediately, call 911, but if you think they're on the verge of it but haven't been triggered yet, call a hotline to get professional help. i hope this answer is helpful.
