The administrator giving my drivers test was on her phone 75% of the test and failed me. Is that ok?

The administrator was on her phone around 75% of the course. She even failed to give me directions as to where to go and counted it off on me. She t

The administrator was on her phone around 75% of the course. She even failed to give me directions as to where to go and counted it off on me. She then failed me because I wasn't "observant" enough even though I was very observant. Is this legal? It doesn't seem like it is and if not I want to take action.

or:The administrator was on her phone around 75% of the course. She even failed to give me directions as to where to go and counted it off on me. She then failed me because I wasn't \"observant\" enough even though I was very observant. Is this legal? It doesn't seem like it is and if not I want to take action.

or:You may think that she wasn't paying attention, but she was. Administrators for road tests are incredibly observant. Tip? A good majority of driver's tests will fail you your first time, even if you think you did everything right. That's part of the test. You can't take any legal action. That's how the road testing system works.
