My cycle is irregular n wen I bleed its a heavy flow but latly light pink blood could I b pregnant?

Me n my partner have been havin unpretectd sex n hes been doin the pull oyt but ive been cramping , headaces, back aces, n wen i have to pee it gurts

Me n my partner have been havin unpretectd sex n hes been doin the pull oyt but ive been cramping , headaces, back aces, n wen i have to pee it gurts if i hold it n to long, oyea n i nevr had a problem wit spottin

or:Me n my partner have been havin unpretectd sex n hes been doin the pull oyt but ive been cramping , headaces, back aces, n wen i have to pee it gurts if i hold it n to long, oyea n i nevr had a problem wit spottin

or:although i don't know whats wrong with you if you are pregnant that is deffinatly not a good sign plus the withdrawl method doesnt workWhat you are describing does not sound like a pregnancy

or:First of all the pulling it out don't work, trust me I'm a male, we will pull it out but after it stop felling good to us, you guys (females) never know. if you miss several peroids (2) i say you might have a problem. good luck.
