I want to open an online marketplace (p2p, like etsy). but I'm very afraid of getting sued?

i want to open an online marketplace (p2p, like etsy). but im very afraid of getting sued. e.g. somebody sued etsy, because of copywrite etc. can i wr

i want to open an online marketplace (p2p, like etsy). but i'm very afraid of getting sued. e.g. somebody sued etsy, because of copywrite etc. can i write something in my policies, that i'm not responsible for the things people sell, the sellers are resposible for everything they sell?
thank you

or:i want to open an online marketplace (p2p, like etsy). but i'm very afraid of getting sued. e.g. somebody sued etsy, because of copywrite etc. can i write something in my policies, that i'm not responsible for the things people sell, the sellers are resposible for everything they sell?thank youbettina

or:Just make sure everything you do is by the book when it comes to your own marketplace this way get an attorney that can help you do things that are legal. You might hire someone who does this knows the in and outs when it comes to operating a website just make sure everything is done right.
