Has popcorn kernels ever popped during harvesting? On a hot day, what makes the kernels not pop?

Im doing a research project over popcorn. I cant find anything right now but has popcorn kernels ever popped while they are being harvested? I read th

I'm doing a research project over popcorn. I can't find anything right now but has popcorn kernels ever popped while they are being harvested? I read that some kernels are put in a silo, on a hot day what makes them from not popping?

or:I'm doing a research project over popcorn. I can't find anything right now but has popcorn kernels ever popped while they are being harvested? I read that some kernels are put in a silo, on a hot day what makes them from not popping?

or:In a silo, temperatures would only get to around 130-F on a 100-F day.(Which is relatively uncommon unless close to equator) Popcorn takes a much higher temperature to pop, and if heated too slowly, it will not pop at all. it must be heated up very high in a short amount of time, but if too fast, it will just burn. Thus the use of the microwave.
