The only thing I want is a horse. What can I do?

The only thing i really want is a horse and absolutely nothing else. My mum is allergic to them and thats the only problem. What can i do? Horses are

The only thing i really want is a horse and absolutely nothing else. My mum is allergic to them and that's the only problem. What can i do? Horses are something i've loved since i was a kid and i even asked to pay for everything i needed to be able to ride a horse. The only thing my mum did was laugh of me. Help?!

or:The only thing i really want is a horse and absolutely nothing else. My mum is allergic to them and that's the only problem. What can i do? Horses are something i've loved since i was a kid and i even asked to pay for everything i needed to be able to ride a horse. The only thing my mum did was laugh of me. Help?!

or:You have to be wealthy to support a horse. You have to rent a stable and pay someone to carry food and water to the stable. You have to pay a vet to keep the horse healthy. You have to buy a saddle and I don't know what all. It is not a cheap hobby.Your mother laughed because ALL little girls love horses.

or:Best thing to do is start taking lessons. If you really end up enjoying it (She might too) then you might be able to lease a horse. I started taking lessons at 6 years old, my mum is allergic to everything ,including the horses and hay, she grew to love the horses, but we also saved up money. It is a rich man's sport (They call it that for a reason) Ask your mum if you can take a lesson a week for a while, and if you truly love it she might let you lease a horse. Once again, really expensive, before you even start you need to buy jodhpurs(Riding pants) boots, half chaps, helmet, and gloves. Maybe even a crop.

or:Well if she is allergic than you can still get a horse but keep her/him away from your mum or you can move out and have your own home with your horse. Horses are something i absolutely love and im trying to convince my parents to get me one and believe me its hard but it sure is possible!! Research about all this stuff and make a persuasive piece and she could say yes, theres a 50 50 chance of you getting a horse. Good luck

or:if your mum being allergic to horse is the only problem about getting a horse, you can still get one because there is a breed of horse called the CURLY HORSE which is allergy free
