YouTube extension?

I had an idea. A web browser extension for YouTube. for firefox or chrome. (i use firefox) Like you can put in a year and it only shows videos up to t

I had an idea. A web browser extension for YouTube. for firefox or chrome. (i use firefox) Like you can put in a year and it only shows videos up to that year. So like a time travler for YouTube. That would be so cool! Dose it exist? Do you know of any extension that do that?

or:I had an idea. A web browser extension for YouTube. for firefox or chrome. (i use firefox) Like you can put in a year and it only shows videos up to that year. So like a time travler for YouTube. That would be so cool! Dose it exist? Do you know of any extension that do that?

or:No, I do not think any extension like that exists. I do believe you can filter YouTube results by year, though.

or:Everybody's go ideas, yet nobody exerts themselves to read the answers, let alone develop aught.The youtube api reference for videos contains a property called \"fileDetails.creationTime\
