Hi,, I was trying 2 update my Galaxy s2 to Ice cream sandwich, It took really long time?

so I unplugged it. but then when I looked at my phone, there is nothing but black screen with a computer connected to a phone and Exclamation mark in

so I unplugged it. but then when I looked at my phone, there is nothing but black screen with a computer connected to a phone and Exclamation mark in the middle...what do I do? help me please

or:so I unplugged it. but then when I looked at my phone, there is nothing but black screen with a computer connected to a phone and Exclamation mark in the middle...what do I do? help me please

or:i think you unplugged it the wrong way you should unplugged its connection to the computer just like what we do in flash drives maybe you can just turn it off and then on again and see if that disappear
