Computers - I need help. When I have downloaded my game from Steam and played the game. The google?

... chrome, eternet, and steam wont open even though it says its open. I have tried to redownload one of the internet browser to see if it will open

... chrome, eternet, and steam wont open even though it says it's open. I have tried to redownload one of the internet browser to see if it will open up but nothing , I have tried to clean up my computer to check if there was a virus, there isn't any. I don't know what the problem is. Can someone please help me. It's frustrating and there is only 1 internet browser I can get on and use. I also have to sometimes use Cortana to get on the internet. Does anybody know the problem?

or:... chrome, eternet, and steam wont open even though it says it's open. I have tried to redownload one of the internet browser to see if it will open up but nothing , I have tried to clean up my computer to check if there was a virus, there isn't any. I don't know what the problem is. Can someone please help me. It's frustrating and there is only 1 internet browser I can get on and use. I also have to sometimes use Cortana to get on the internet. Does anybody know the problem?
