Can fleas be transferred from one environment to another?

Im staying at a friends house in Oregon which is infested by fleas. Ive been here for almost a week. I will be going back to New Mexico where I live a

I'm staying at a friends house in Oregon which is infested by fleas. I've been here for almost a week. I will be going back to New Mexico where I live and want to know if I will be taking these things with me. If they can be transferred to a different environment, what can I do to make sure my home is not infested as well?

or:I'm staying at a friends house in Oregon which is infested by fleas. I've been here for almost a week. I will be going back to New Mexico where I live and want to know if I will be taking these things with me. If they can be transferred to a different environment, what can I do to make sure my home is not infested as well?

or:Oh, they'll travel with you if you have them on you without any problem at all. Presumably you're flying back so what you do is this - when you arrive back at the airport change into clean clothes (and have a shower if possible), when you get home do not bring your bags into the house those are a lost cause atm so leave them in your garage or somewhere outside. Your clothes will need to be drycleaned and you'll have to take them out of your bags outside. Your bags will need to be sprinkled with flea powder and left for a few days where they won't be disturbed. If you are travelling with your bags you may want to strip off in the garage before entering your house and shower and put on clean clothes once your inside. Your travel clothes will need to go to the drycleaners as well...I hate fleas.. but the good news is that fleas die and fairly quickly too if they can't feed and breed plus they are more a bother than any actual danger. SO long as you isolate the source of them (clothes and bags) they won't infest your house and to be honest the chances are fairly small anyway.

or:Fleas travel well and explains why the black death killed 30\u201360% of Europe's total population in the mid 1300's.
