Ipod Touch Problem! Help!?

I dont know what my password is anymore, so I looked it up and it said to restore your ipod, so I did. When I watched a few videos they restored it an

I dont know what my password is anymore, so I looked it up and it said to restore your ipod, so I did. When I watched a few videos they restored it and it was fine. When I restore mine it says that it cant be restored because there is a password that is unlocked... why is this happening? and only to mine? has anyone elses done this... if so TELL ME WHAT TO DO PLEASSE. I need to get this fixed in a matter of days because I need to use it. It's a 4th generation with 8 gb if that helps. THANKS SO MUCH!!

or:I dont know what my password is anymore, so I looked it up and it said to restore your ipod, so I did. When I watched a few videos they restored it and it was fine. When I restore mine it says that it cant be restored because there is a password that is unlocked... why is this happening? and only to mine? has anyone elses done this... if so TELL ME WHAT TO DO PLEASSE. I need to get this fixed in a matter of days because I need to use it. It's a 4th generation with 8 gb if that helps. THANKS SO MUCH!!

or:Hi, don't worry. things is not so bad even if you lost your files in your iPod Touch.You can try recover your lost data,photo or anything from your iPod touch with an tool.Read this guide to learn more.

or:hi, you can try to recover your ipod touch data by Wondershare Data Recovery for iTunes
