My 12 year old dog having a lump on it's head that sorta reminds you of hamburger meat not cooked..?

Its bumpy and its hard, kinda a peach or pink color, its a small dog a Maltese. or:It's bumpy and it's hard, kinda a peach or pink color, it's a small

It's bumpy and it's hard, kinda a peach or pink color, it's a small dog a Maltese.

or:It's bumpy and it's hard, kinda a peach or pink color, it's a small dog a Maltese.


or:That is totally normal my other dog had the same bump and i freaked out until i had my second dog that is probably your dogs head bone ;)P.s I am not sure why it has a peach or pink color so if you are worried check with your dogs local vet
