I wanna make my girlfriend feel like the most special girl in the world. Any ideas?

My girlfriend and I just got back together and I am so in love with her and I wanna do something to make her feel like the most special and lucky girl

My girlfriend and I just got back together and I am so in love with her and I wanna do something to make her feel like the most special and lucky girl in the world. What can I do?

or:My girlfriend and I just got back together and I am so in love with her and I wanna do something to make her feel like the most special and lucky girl in the world. What can I do?

or:Do something nobody has ever done for her before.

or:In my option my favorite thing is when guys take me to my fav. Place... The beach! My guy & I just eating at a local small bar/pizza place. Just spending 1on1 time watching the sunset. Idk where u live but I'm sure u know what place she loves. Pack a picnic or something. I feel that pretty special bc u took time to plan it out. Hope this helped :)

or:Most of the times galz likes suprises,and taking them out maybe for a dinner or somthn that w'd make them rmembr you for

or:You could try making her something like a meal, a card or even take to a place she really likes. Good luck:-)
