What is the cause of Racial profiling? (What is the issue?)?

or:What is the cause of Racial profiling? (What is the issue?)?or:Racial profiling is discrimination based on stereotypes, usually and most obviously

or:What is the cause of Racial profiling? (What is the issue?)?

or:Racial profiling is discrimination based on stereotypes, usually and most obviously, race. The existence of racial profiling dates back to slavery. In 1693, Philadelphia\u2019s court officials gave police legal authority to stop and detain any Negro (freed or slaved) seen wandering around on the streets. This discriminatory practice continued through the Jim Crow era and now in the twenty first century, racial profiling is prevalent across cities in the U.S..A few examples of racial profiling by police may include:An African American man standing on a corner waiting for a bus is stopped and questioned regarding why he is standing there and where he is going.A Hispanic driver is stopped in a \"white\" neighbourhood because he \"doesn\u2019t belong there\" or \"looks out of place.\"A group of black teenagers are pulled over because of the kind of car they are driving.Racial profiling is also used as a basis of discrimination for employment, services, housing, etc., or to give preferential treatment to an individual or group of people because of their race or ethnicity.See:huffingtonpost.com/keith-rushing/dissecting-racial-profiling_b_2740246.htmlgspp.berkeley.edu/news/news-center/suspect-race-causes-and-consequences-of-racial-profiling
