Hi, I was wondering what the best gaming pc build there is for a budget of $500 dollars. I'm poor?

I need a decent computer to play league of legends but my budget is only $500 dollars. What is a good pc build for my conflict? or:I need a decent com

I need a decent computer to play league of legends but my budget is only $500 dollars. What is a good pc build for my conflict?

or:I need a decent computer to play league of legends but my budget is only $500 dollars. What is a good pc build for my conflict?

or:I'd look into sell my stepdad has a gaming Alienware fell laptop and they are awesome and do Payment arranger monthly :)

or:You can put together an ok computer for that price, but you will want to upgrade the memory to 16 gb as soon as you get a hundred bux. And you will want a solid state drive as soon as you get another hundred bux. Contact customer service at tigerdirect.com or newegg.com and they will put together a kit for you.
