Why did people think a movie about emojis was a good/successful idea?

There exists a trailer for an upcoming film known as "The Emoji Movie." It is the most hated trailer on YouTube since the new Ghostbusters movie. Only

There exists a trailer for an upcoming film known as "The Emoji Movie." It is the most hated trailer on YouTube since the new Ghostbusters movie. Only this time, people have a legitimate reason to hate it. IT'S OBVIOUS CORPORATE PANDERING. It's not even out and already it's a flop. Why would make this obvious corporate sellout a thing. What were they thinking? No one will like it! Make something timeless and creative. Don't pull a zeitgeist and pretend you're hip and with the "in crowd". Please tell me, why was this made?

or:There exists a trailer for an upcoming film known as \"The Emoji Movie.\" It is the most hated trailer on YouTube since the new Ghostbusters movie. Only this time, people have a legitimate reason to hate it. IT'S OBVIOUS CORPORATE PANDERING. It's not even out and already it's a flop. Why would make this obvious corporate sellout a thing. What were they thinking? No one will like it! Make something timeless and creative. Don't pull a zeitgeist and pretend you're hip and with the \"in crowd\". Please tell me, why was this made?
