I don't really know what to do?

I was friends with a guy from England for almost a year. We met on a chatting thing and we were great friends. After awhile we told each other we like

I was friends with a guy from England for almost a year. We met on a chatting thing and we were great friends. After awhile we told each other we liked each other but of course we wouldn't date cause long distance/online is super hard. Eventually it seemed like he didn't really want to talk to me as much, before whenever we talked I was always smiling and giggling. Now whenever he does actually answer my messages it's just short answers and stuff. I really don't want to stop being his friend, he's a really nice guy. But after feeling rejected so much it kind of hurts. Not to mention always being the one to have to text first. Should I text him or just stop talking to him all together?

or:I was friends with a guy from England for almost a year. We met on a chatting thing and we were great friends. After awhile we told each other we liked each other but of course we wouldn't date cause long distance/online is super hard. Eventually it seemed like he didn't really want to talk to me as much, before whenever we talked I was always smiling and giggling. Now whenever he does actually answer my messages it's just short answers and stuff. I really don't want to stop being his friend, he's a really nice guy. But after feeling rejected so much it kind of hurts. Not to mention always being the one to have to text first. Should I text him or just stop talking to him all together?

or:Hello there :)I just read your questions and it really is a coincidence. Me and my boyfriend met through an online chat application too :) he's from Singapore and I'm from Indonesia, at first I also experienced what you did, we talked a lot and then developed feelings for each other. And then, we also had experienced some moments where he and I got misunderstood and didn't know what happened.But then, we confessed each others' feelings and he's willing to visit me to prove that he's serious. What I'm trying to say is that, LDR is not always hard, it depends on the people or someone that you're with. If you have mutual feelings, it will work out. But if, basically, you guys don't have the same feelings or the relationship is only one-sided, it's going to be hard, indeed.My opinion is, if you feel like you can be friends with him without involving your feelings, you need to clarify things with him. That you see him only as a friend, and you have no special feelings towards him. In this case, you might need to lie a little :( in order to get him back. And it will be good if, you guys, can ask each other what do you guys see in a friendship :)I really hope you can get back to be friends again :( I know how it feels to lose a good friend :(Cheer up! :) you can do it God bless you~

or:I know of many people to answer with a single word, or just an emoji. Sometimes it's just that person's personality and you really shouldn't think much of it. But after having a similar experience, I have to suggest that you give him space. Maybe send one more text asking if he still feels the same way towards you. Don't be pushy, so if he doesn't replies just take a break altogether. Don't text him for a while. I'm not saying to stop completely, just perhaps a month or so without texting. If he still doesn't reply or start a text to you, you have the choice of acting casual and continue texting him, or to take a longer break. What you don't want to do is seem desperate, it will often just irritate the other person. Best of Luck!
