Finding any and everything I can about a murder in'73 .. Pre Internet?

I have tried everything so Im just seeing if anyone knows a way to get that information. My would be aunt was murdered when she was 14 And my grAndfat

I have tried everything so I'm just seeing if anyone knows a way to get that information. My would be aunt was murdered when she was 14 And my grAndfather commit suicide a couple years later so naturally I'm curious. I'm trying to find the info. No one ever talks about it so I don't want to ask. I have already tried,, Google, etc. Tia

or:I have tried everything so I'm just seeing if anyone knows a way to get that information. My would be aunt was murdered when she was 14 And my grAndfather commit suicide a couple years later so naturally I'm curious. I'm trying to find the info. No one ever talks about it so I don't want to ask. I have already tried,, Google, etc. Tia

or:Deaths are public records. Go to a library and ask the librarian to help you find those records. You will need to know the names, places, and dates.
